DottedSign makes it easy and quick for signers to sign off multiple signature fields by offering the signers to apply the last-used signature, stamp, or company seal (depending on the business culture). Please find below the simple steps:
Add Your Signature with One Click:
- Click a signature field, and create personalized signatures, initials, stamps, or company seals.
Learn more: How to Manage and Use Your Company Seal in DottedSign
- Choose your signature and click “Apply”.
Learn more: How to Sign Documents with the Mobile Panel
- Subsequent signatures only require clicking the next signature field to apply the previous signature.
Change Your Preferred Way of Signing:
- Click the field with the existing signature to change your preferred signature.
- Click on a blank signature field to sign with the updated signature.
Delete the Signature:
If the signature is no longer in use, you can delete the signature from the signature selection window. Please note the corresponding fields applied with this signature will also be removed immediately to avoid submitting deleted signatures.
- Click the field with the existing signature.
- Delete the signature in the pop-up window.
- All fields previously filled with this signature will be deleted altogether.
- This feature applies only when you're the signer. If you're the task owner and wish to pre-fill your signature during task creation, click each field to open the signature window and enter your signature.
- This feature is currently available for DottedSign Web only.
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