DottedSign and Line Works integration
Background of the integration
DottedSign is designed to improve people's mobile workflow and efficiency wherever they are, besides having apps on iOS and Android platforms and in web browsers, it’s best to notify people about their tasks on DottedSign via the channel that they use most frequently on a daily basis. LINE WORKS is one of such channels.
*Notes: The integration is only available in Japan.
How can this integration help you
After connecting Line Works with DottedSign, you can get notifications about document progress on DottedSign in the Line Works Talk, including:
- As a task sender
- Get notified when the task you sent out is completed.
- You can view the completed task by clicking on the button in the Talk Room (have to log in your DottedSign account).
- As a task signer
- Get notified when you receive a signing request on DottedSign.
- You can view and sign the task by clicking on the button in the Talk Room.
How to connect your Line Works with DottedSign
- Admin status in Enterprise version
- Please apply for DottedSign API usage
* To know more about opening your Enterprise account and DottedSign API usage, please contact us.
- Developer status
- Log into Line Works Developer Console
- The email account that’s linked to the Line Works Developer Console
Get connection information from Line Works
Please contact us via This Link for more information.
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