We read PDF files almost every single day. In the DottedSign world, it is one of the document formats we support to create, assign and sign tasks online.
Importing PDF files onto DottedSign is easy. You can choose the desired PDF document and create a signing task for yourself to sign or assign the task to other signers involved. If you are looking for a PDF Reader service, feel free to visit Kdan Mobile's PDF Reader and install/download to your device or desktop.
Notice: This feature is currently available for DottedSign iOS only. If you'd like to import PDF files via DottedSign web app, please refer to this tutorial - Creating A Task to Get Other's Signatures.
How to import a PDF document to DottedSign? Please follow the simple instructions below:
1. Open the document in PDF Reader. Click “More” (3 dots).
2. Click “Share via”.
3. Click “Document” or “Flattened Copy” to import the document. Flattened Copy is a more recommended form.
4. Click “Copy to DottedSign”.
5. The document will be automatically imported to DottedSign. You can choose “Sign Yourself” or “Get Signatures” signing mode and continue your signing process.
- How to create a task and get other's signatures
- How to create a task and sign yourself
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